Art Monaco, Art Fair in Monaco

June 24 - 26, 2022

ExoGallery is excited to announce the participation in the 3rd edition of the luxery Art Fair in Monaco.

Our young emerging artists together with our NFT art collection will be exhibited at the premium location at the Rivera.

I am proud to be able to give our emerging artists the platform to exhibit in one of the most saught-after locations at the hills of Monte Carlo. Come and join us there!


Our Artists at the Fair

Ela Urban

Ela Urban is a Polish sculptor. Her fascinations stretch to geometrical forms and structures. She often creates using mixed media: ceramics, metal and glas.

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Milena Lopez

Milena Lopez’s passion for nature and its vibrant colors is often reflected in her bold brushstrokes. She creates neo-expressionist and abstract canvases, exploring new forms of expression and crossing boundaries.

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