[ ɛksoʊ- ]

A combining form meaning “outside,” “outer,” “external,” used in the formation of compound words:


[ ˈɡæləɹi ]
  1.  A room, series of rooms, or building devoted to the exhibition and often the sale of works of art.
  2. A collection of art for exhibition.


[ ɛksoʊ-ɡæləɹi ]

  1. An interdisciplinary art space of neo-conceptual artistic projects that stimulate intercultural dialogue and offer new perspectives and inspiration.
  2. An Architect of new artistic expressions crafting uncharted paths to expand the horizons of contemporary artistic discourse.
  3. An art gallery and art consultancy established by Ilona Keilich comitted to bringing international artists showcasing unique perspective to a wider art collectors’ audience.

Visitors Address

Silberburgstr. 145A
D-70176 Stuttgart

Opening hours
(only during exhibitions)

Wed. – Fr.: 1 – 6 pm
Sat.: 3 – 6 pm
and by appointment



We kindly ask you to refrain from submitting unsolicited artist applications and sending us heavy files via email. All documents and catalogues will not be returned.